So eBay has had MAJOR issues over the last week with everything from being actually visible and accessible online (you know the first step of actually being an online marketplace – being online) and then major issues with their search being all jacked up and people not being able to pay.
And today, I get the DUMBEST email from them. This is part of what they think is “seller insight” so they can barf this to Wall Street that they give guidance to sellers. BS. eBay you are a marketplace, work on being a good one and let sellers work on their own insight.
I mostly sell vintage toys along with some comic books and once in a while, a vintage Barbie or a Pop toy. So realistically, I am probably not going to go too far outside of the vintage toy lane, right? So my guidance today from eBay (which in reality is just a mass email barfed to most sellers over a certain size) is to source stuff for back to school. Who cares? Not me – I could give a flying f*ck that kids are going back to school (which they won’t do for 2-3 months BTW eBay) and I won’t be sourcing anything for it. Where would I even get the stuff anyway since all my leads are in toys. Their suggestions are luggage (WTF! Heavy and takes up tons of space and now I am somehow going to compete with Target) and Musical Instruments (again, WTF – I mean I am sure pawn shops have these online all the time and on eBay because I know anytime my brother needed a new guitar or guitar parts when he built guitars, that was his first stop so again why) and then textbooks, fan apparel, scooters (WTF!) and bicycles.
This is just a showing of how out of touch eBay is. Why even send that? Small sellers cannot source any of those things due to space and they are all huge so shipping is a nightmare.
And this in the middle of the week when their downtime events have made it onto the news??? Here is a link to one of the news articles if you are interested.
It just shows how OUT OF TOUCH eBay is. I personally LOVE eBay but they need to get their heads out of their asses and get back to basics. There is no need to be worrying about me sourcing bicycles for something that isn’t happening for 2 months when your app is broken and people cannot check out. Those seem like basics that need addressing.
Hopefully a few sellers with brains will go to eBay open and ask them these very basic questions but part of me thinks it will just be free invites to large sellers so they will just have useless forums with lots of back patting and ass sniffing which is a shame because eBay could be AMAZING if they would just spend a bit of time focusing on the basics and learning to beta test before they barf out an update.