Brand New Site with a Gut for News – even if it is random news

So I have always wanted a site to put my thoughts on so many subjects and to tell people about things that need telling.   There are so many great stories and this site is going to be MORE than a bit RANDOM, it will be totally random.    I plan to put everything from Missing Persons to UFOs to my love for the Whole30 life changing eating plan.    I know — see it now – those things have NOTHING in common but they are INTERESTING.

I will RARELY have anything political.   I really believe there is too much division in politics right now and I don’t have any interest in falling into that.   I will warn you though, once in a while there may be a subject that I am passionate about that may seem political but it will be more fact based and it will certain not be the partisan politics we are seeing everywhere today.

Today there was a horrible attack in Toronto where some madman (terrorist maybe – they haven’t said) mowed down 10 people.   Awful, right and yes we have seen it before.   But when I called my elderly mother, she had no idea WTF I was talking about.   The news is SO FULL OF POLITICS — they weren’t even barfing out the news which is pretty important, right!!

A few of my favorites just off the top of my head:

  • Missing persons — I feel this is CRITICALLY important
  • Military and veterans affairs – My husband is a vet, my father went to military college and I lived on Army bases for almost 10 years when I got married.   Vets should have our hearts and we should be loving and cherishing them and we just ARE NOT doing that.   So trust me, I will have some things to tell you about Veterans, some good and well, some REAL
  • UFOs and Aliens — OK, seriously, I LOVE when science can combine on this so shows like Ancient Aliens, LOVE
  • eCommerce – Sometimes I need to rant about eBay and other online shopping venues so bear with me, but you are going to see the odd post about the crazy world of eComm.
  • Everything Else — This is where you will find a mixed bag of posts about all kinds of things I want to write about  – could be anything  🙂

I love comments and discussion but I do have moderation required due to all the spammers so please feel free to comment but if your comment doesn’t appear right away, that is why!