Ebay Scammers and Block List Update – eBay Bad Buyer List

So the scams continue – some people think they are so smart and don’t realize every loser before them has tried these and failed.


jaime rivera  –  jaimer6083 on ebay — LOSER.   Will try to charge back after delivery.    This can be avoided by being sure to use ebay labels — then you have proof of delivery in an easy spot and you don’t have to upload the tracking.   Since you will have the tracking already uploaded, you will as a seller win this case by simply responding.    BUT BE SURE TO BLOCK HIM and for all of our losers and morons, be sure to scroll down and copy our entire block list.  

Russell Weik — This guy is straight up stupid and WILL LEAVE YOU THE TOTALLY ASSY FEEDBACK so be sure to just block him.   Not really sure about his deal but on items with 10+ photos of the actual item, you would think you would look at a couple rather than being pissy.  And then most people who have an issue email the seller like an adult.  Not this dude.  He is just a spiteful old man I think but whatever he is, he isn’t worth it.   I don’t think it is a shakedown but maybe it is.   So worth a block especially if you don’t want to deal with negative feedback or negative people and really who does.    He is a weird user name —   mrk.ruw.cbiaigjg4   – why do the people with the weirdest usernames always end up being super weird or scammy.   Almost like they made it complicated so you wouldn’t remember it.   Anyway BLOCK HIM unless you want him to blow up your feedback.

Here is our complete updated block list and it includes these two turds above so if you haven’t cut and pasted our list before or it has been a while, be sure to cut and paste them all.   We consider them worth a block if they try any kind of scam (shakedown, fake return, return for shakedown, asking for partial, claiming damage but won’t return it just want some money, chargeback, the kids did it, someone used my account, doesn’t work when it was tested and won’t return it but want some money, feedback extortion)     Please be aware we also now block people who send stupid offers like $5 on something that is 10 times that or more – this is a form of scam because they hope you aren’t paying attention) and we block people who place an order and immediately cancel it (this is just poor manners because it charges the seller the transaction fee and you do not get that back.)


Here is the list!!!  eBay Bad Buyer list — UPDATE — January 2022

**bunnymom6**, 0070981louisiana, 05k20z1, 07271953, 1028416024@deleted, 1250677195@deleted, 1456709890@deleted, 1465154868@deleted, 1558636520@deleted, 1643493765@deleted, 1960263380@deleted, 1964gijoe, 1fish_2fish_redfish_bluefish, 1jjp001, 1lovingheart, 2014-makow, 2014_klecz, 251.chuckster.33, 270carlmissy, 2sweet48, 3226jean, 360private, 42912mommy, 44rteam, 5790david, 5zav, 704tweety, 7121bob, 719magnet44, 77starwarsjon, 819ken, 85texastank, 8strongracing, 90sboy1994, aavacation, abbgv_bsjrmxpf, abdelsal_86, abn101james, absolutely_retro, acjr-91, addrie, adeekomar-0, afai_us_r2n9ry, afsfdep66, agalaxyfarfaraway_starwars, agapes-attic, alamatlock0, alemedin_895, alexarandolph19692, alexiaparici-3, alfread_1928, alin5614, alvord99, amandlene_0, amitbansal3, anasko55, anicamenterprisesinc, antdomi_94, antermachi_0, anthony_cal, anthonythor, antmoej, antony1278, aquelito, ararivera242012, aro084, arod3sharp, arodpackers2010, arty3358, assoc1, astrosjets, atomicbus, auntstefanie, autobots_n_disguise, avengerpr001, averill88, b16agurl242, b18cdragger, banarky, barley73, baseballguy34, bblh54, bblhs2003@gmail.com, bbuckridge, bcava559, beaho2012, beastfromeast92, beatlesmanpaul, behuffin_0, bestproducts2017, bferris321, big-blue_8880, bigadam1, bigasm76, bigbucsfan141, bigleagueg25, biglee521843, bigpotter303, bilkris, billbertgilbert, billymac72, bioste_4, bitnemik, bjfor3, bkag40, blackballer456, blahbethany, blucar, blue275, bluebarncolorado, blutgesund, bobiven-0, bobs_a1_collectibles, bobwilliams2015, booshmeister69, boss_tom_tattoos, boxster888, bpecd, brand_bird, bratmonkey, breakfastcat47, brennonclaus, breyermonster, briannlope-9, brianp1479, brmc_6142, brockbuys101, bronzeback8, brownhunte, bruckwhine, bry2431, bryabatist9, bryasi.k3kl5dx, bthomas2017, bustido, bv0402, bwarfel1987, c321cards, c_dan_h, cade768, cahinto0, cajunboy88888, camerohag_3, camry1978, cannon.dave.82, carlhoc, carma_1132, carolinacomicz, carpenoctem95, carram.6860, cause.jame, celinam8809, ceramicdrag0n, cesarmejia007, cfutia22, cgfullenwider34, chant_brown, charlesdiller, chathoma_12, chavmaur, chazzitastic-4, chcol-3139, cheney119, cherylonemanstrash, cheus.3n56spax, chgr-6370, chino634, chinoasian, chjun_74, chrigambr, chrisbarbour1978, chrisgoral81, chrisiglehart, chrisku-6463, chrismpowell123, chtown_20, ciro-jeannie, classic_plastick, classnetwork, clemsonchick33-5, clickytoe, clinhollowa-0, cloud9comicsandmorellc, cmgomes95, cmi-cam-bvqvx3, codvaugh_47, cohar.sinqo6r1, coinswillie, collinsk-52, colterfrederick, comedyhobby123789, comic_blues2426, comicluver, computorite, concreteheaderic, confederategirl69, cookonstan0, cooksbs, coolmintq, coolsteve996, cr-eleli-a1a1zgkn, craypes, crazycatlady_mec, critter1804, crystalphoto, ctproffitt, curtisce, cwynn95, cy5, cyama98, da_talb_97v7ggho1r, daceur, daisyandelliott, damcn-88, dando87, daniegove_2, danielhudspeth, darkphoenix8908-9, darkslayer0011, davd_us_4tjctfcoww, dave-ss-502, davec1579, davesa48, davidd5449, dcastro_323, deaf0ne, defar-frede, dereknedelman, derelandero0, destinyrose543, deylaandsonali, dfod2635, dianatroll, dicont-7990, diegleo_92, dion182, djbernard1988, doc220, doctorslimhks, dosan01, douglagran_7, dreherjr, dscrd1970, dts4mee2, duncan1995, duo_us_nvgpfls1u, dustihorsle-5, dwighmorga-0, dwx141, e_unibus_pluram, ed2015coins, eddiehillard@aol.com, eddienay09, edhil60, edwama76, eew-51, einsteinthecat, el.bazar.de.queen.toys.and.collectibles, elizabethknollwood69, elsanto1, emibal_97, emilnieve_6, epicomicology, eri.mi-40, ericrodrigue_15, erirot-8, eristaat5, erme.us.tw7ijaybms, ese_fav_ehn1vwu, espinozabest, ethagra6, everlong06, everrone18, exotyka, faddi_faddi, fakh-59, falconpabonmonica, feloforester65_0, ferna-bryc, finao_inc, fischer931, flajax82, flintspringer, flr69, fn2131, frankspickmups, fre.spar, freshsite2011, funbucket115, gaba_clay, garfos_89, gargainix, gave1002, gebwill4457, geness99, geoffreys11111, germane50, gersobestomat-0, gibrbol_0, gijoemarx, ginsi00, gizzmowilliam, gkbrown2013, gladius1a5, gneu5449, goalie_gonzo, godlovecats, gog_rock2012, goldenfetus, goldengod87, gon1791, gonzcastill0, gorgons-gallery, greenstripedlizard05, gregalvernaz2011, grgay-24, grischstrack0, grja0573.rtqvmqpz, gulf421, gusta-valde, gwous36, h-crake-dmdrqxorg, hallofheroesvethome, halus.epto6u31, hancurra_0, hannastron-0, harleywood2002, heatherl627, heistsj, henryg23-wi, heraymo, hewittinc, highlow72-10, hikari_p4wn, him_us_uhadgqsi, hjbjqj, hoagy33, hobbes20102011, hobub, hocus-xibgnf, hodakcom, honda4life17, honey-us2015, hottlips52, hou-2797, hound1840, how-jean-ious, hpersaud1083, hu-899682, hunnygoober, hutto3356, i*have*the*power*, icdmorgan, ilovemywaygee, imrapate_1, imsellingluxury, infectedsamf, inimicalsaint, initialj22, inteddgar, ironman19882011, ironmanwelding2015, isabbrit_0, isabelaz2011, ishow_67, ivan.trevizo, ja-877254, jackal_relic_thomas_landschulz, jaguarainquio, jaimer6083, jake379aj, jamehutto-42, jamemos_189, jamimeado0, janar-9256, janelljenkin-4, janene2007, jaredparkh, jasmisulejmanagi0, jasocockru-0, jason3vitts, jasonr5665, jaypacman, jazcomics, jb12259, jbsbid, jc12205, jca_slm6b9oc, jcant-0, jcur4396, jdennis7zyb, jeffrey7873, jefl2-12, jehar-8609, jellojry, jemeem-4su2yk, jerseykingusa72, jerus.cs1z820vs, jesusb2113us, jfkiou1, jfreezey716, jhontt-68, jimbradee63, jimkelsey, jjones5068, jkupete10, jlul_us_48c6sem0, joefan, joejac.alvw2, joesplus, johgab80, johnnyg1958, johntrexesq, johschafe2, joieuno, jointer2010, jokamo307, jonamae0, jonathaespinoz-29, jonathon13, jorgeluicaldero0, joseph_quinnell, josephjames, josharr-2512, joshuahosack, joshublevin-9, josiahduncan, josmonteo3, josra_r_wkp2rn, jostrej_44, jpam79, jrenton7, juggernaut1973, junbangkal, justibab62, justme1151, jwo.cky.pp41kbsdrd, kakqjjajw0, karintitino, kasch_7780, kaseffgg-0, kaseysmit0, kashdog11, kaston6389, kbade, kcaray, keithstarrh, kekan9446, kekly0, kellgrie-5, kenmar-100, kennethdrenna-0, kenwright96, kevl5065-eu6ucohvez, kevnslist_7, kfdavila, killeri-74, kimani00, kimbees, kimwill2825, kingcalx90, kiroman-0, kory_e, koryzuck, kozy66, kpatel19365, krazyeight2010, ksmooth55, kuaileyouni0929, kufa-5212, kweatherwalk16, kwl0515, kyrpto, ladyxepher, lakeisha7220, largemoney284, larjon_ltsz9t8rh, larretocartr_0, larryluck321, laurettebraden, lawrchov0, lazarus721, lazydai_15, lbisnette48, lc4usa, lcsalesoh, lecocob_ttr6ct3rqo, leeeeev674, lego_racer, lesmck49, lestekokoszy-0, levi_kim, lgonzo61luis, liboh59, lilywoman51, limited62, lind.keny, lippjos, lkinzey, llanitossir13, lloyd10xmas, localpointdist, lopad3426, loran-2149, lord.shardik, losjossanc, losomme, lossanfound_7, loufontana4, louimatt, loveamber78, lovelolitaplease_3, loveyakfc, lshsha-dgbx2nw, luisazumendi, luvsonic1000, lws20082010, m0m2gingers, madelindear365, magda3ke, magilla2000, mahde0301-xeb71gxp, maker7319, maklauss, manilasteph, manno, marcimarconat-0, marcomapg, marfama_pv5u09c, marg.horn, mari.asenj, marilope_966, marine-8757, marinerpluto, markimyer-0, masonscare1, mattynoicegaming, mauremal_kkc92, maximum-effort-sales, maxwise71, mazerati_jae, mcado-james, mcca-harr, mckinneyjack, mdel9565, mds72478, meancleanjean, megabug2013, melendez25, menudojaggy, micbm-sjyl48, micdelp_4468, michaedown-72, michaelgrady, michaevanthie-0, micheobisp_0, micki-722, midtownhall, mike1872012, mike34pedro, mikemilla24, miskatonicuniversityannex481, mmin5531, mobr_7027, modemaa-0, momtothree87, monalisathomas, monsterzero65, morcontoy0, morgane0166, morri_sea, motherofmac, mousey43, mpmomx2, mr.nadas0, mr_e_bay18, mrbrink08, mrdude84, mrk.ruw.cbiaigjg4, muilee2000, munecavalorie, musanch, nabizko04, nafir2010, nakoyocolo, nall10, natalburga1978, natfo4568, naturalmind99, ndbooks4, ndlady13, nekogaming, nemesis_915, neo201602, nestor92867, nicholaperri-0, nick1280-8, nicsciut_0, nicus.k1wqq8ott, njsea_dsvrsjtzzf, nonexistantfriend4, nwd5x_33, nycmik, oaklefrankli_0, obergvictor-0, ochizzle, octopus6, oddconceptmedia, oilshan, oma.alsal, omightybuggy, orangemint2, orte-elde, orthfritz, osba-osba, otis_flip, outdoorrebel, owcritc0, p-lcoinslv1, p.spejo.sxkew9a, p_cot80, pach-684, pachucko, packrat1031, pamat-94, pameldefra, panchohmmwv, pantoja_sd81, papa_oymscx, papplova, patek067, patkauf-77, pauhunte-2, paulieb60, pauliecomics, paytonjcarter1, pepewb12, perdam.lka8vtp, persitimot, pete8842, pi.dooro.t97tnj, pichon19832017, pokedude1995, pokemon_987, ppb76, priazzi, psv-kav, pumpkin_head23, pumpkinheadface, punxbby, quartz-2012, queenzfinest2010jay, quiro-alexi, r853s022, rafael9616, rammasculin0, ramu.us.am3kv18, raretyme1765, raulalfaro909, rayder31, raymondof300, raystocks45, rc4565, rebeccmohle0, redlinegrandpa68-6, redriderxr, reliabletekhelp, remodel4ps3, renb_gabr, reneg214, reore_o_e70lqxbkb, reucor54, rg031_79, ribr_4411, ricarmisael, ricco_5818, rich-el, richhight, richima-2, rmmhouston, rob6f7z, robertgarci-506, robertharri-4, robertmcr, robigarci_4, rocknroll2406, rockypoint00, rocor_9171, rogerfl_sh2, rolando851, romeobeast, ronintoby20174, rosariosanchezmontiel, rostorre-77, roxa-estr, rpwilkin, rsands21, rsr1967, rwsoccio, ryuamurotakeshi_9, ryzer82, s.troche, s1a2s3h4a, sa.par1, saichiro15, salas310310, salvadorjcru0, samantha3427, samartsain_0, sammichcrisp, santiagoezequiegarciasantacru_0, sarasauce2012, sawer09, scifiguy123, scifiguy2015, seaaba_0, sedal-18, sephrel, sepowell613, shadi-715, shapea-17, shaquilli4, sharkreef98, sharkscove808, sherrybear0717, shesl-5324, shinelong1, shirleyar, shoshtr.zlhtjod, shr-nan-fkl9vsr, shs3333, sidhepherd, siggy18conifer, silent_blade77, silver4631, silver98z, silverslicker, simota89, skarnal805, skeepuit1, skinnyrock561, skyislimit, skylerdelatorre16, slb-42, slydude88, smiechk, snjvsn, solomob, sp3812, spacepod1969, speedpot, spiderball2090, spyda09, sr0466-x6fw2qhode, srjrhobbies, ssj08228-1, ssnowflake714, standingbear11179, ste-1888, steelbooks-and-pokemoncards, stemeu11, stephsharp_v5wyt, sterbsteph, stevelaplace, stevestanto-1, stilp_jak, stinger1973, straserco, stratco262, stssma.47njbnd, stutsara, suede-65, sunny77777540, superwookie27, surstmps, susieq1215, sweetsandylove10, tamarin925, tawalasharp, taylco5, tbuddy2, tbz-preciousfinds, terr.chapm, terranclar_3, tesladidit, tflame00, thamaskrapper, thats.my.bid, thattrancedude, the-krell-laboratory, the_lego_shop, the_seller_of_everything, thenextbarber, theohud, therussianbear123, thetoyboxmaker, thisandthatproducts, thugco40, thundedud7, tiffanjackma_0, tigerfever1, timd905, timido-85-4, timothjenkin_25, timothtaylo94, tinydancer83159, tione2006, tj500s, tmstratton, toddadavidson, tohar1775, tomorrowsresurgence, tonehh07, top-gab-jcunqwjlpy, toscag-0, totthapp0, toydude1958, traversetramp, traviiis48, tre3512, trev-dawg, treyla90, troniksandmore_2008, tropfre-25, trus049, trustybusiness41, truth_luvver, truxtotaylo_0, tweetgrimm75, twes7165, tyshelle2kyutee, tyware1, u.s.air_50, uniqueelectric1.2013, unitedjewelryexchange, universalhappyness6299_0, unknownghosttx, ureinaldo, urquhart6106, us2014.tamic, usjame_zjt0sfqln, usjav-25dqlgta, utahjoe, vab_sti, vanw-wad, vassnathong, vcbaron733, vincenwilke_0, vintageandcurrentcollectibles, virturand, vknali2, vlevin2012, vojinovic2013, vrico84, wakeboardergb, warjo72, wclown_8, weebearcoin, westwall2, whatweswants, whitnelowdermil-0, whofarted78tmk, wholesale_coins_and_collectables, wilsokhar, wilwal-80, winfreecomix, witchy15, wordona_13, wpatters0rbb, wrinklywinky, wylanhuntingto0, xnrb7063, xquizitcomix, xxjust53rdxx, xxscottishdragonxx, yarbrough4111, ybgmac, yogisbasket, yura-m, zakus-0, zauk22, zippy451


Be sure to cut and paste the entire bad buyer list for bad ebay buyers.   TRUST ME YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID   There are tons of great buyers on ebay and you can totally have a full time great business without having to deal with any of the above people  😉

Happy Selling on eBay!!!  And Happy New Year!!!