So this is one of the super weird suitcase bodies that have been in the news. I don’t know if the police think they are related but there have been a few bodies found in suitcases in and around the Atlanta area over the past few years. They may not be related at all but you can be sure, they are all suspicious deaths. Who dumps someone in the woods in a suitcase other than someone who has done something horrible. So if you live in GA, check out the details on this young lady as I am sure she has a family somewhere who would like her back and there is a reward in this case.
Photo Courtesy of the Doe Network
She is a white female, very small, like 5’1 to 5’5″, size small clothes, lots of Victoria secret Pink Brand and pink Nike Shoes. Her estimated age is 20-30. I am thinking she is on the young side just from the clothes but check her out on her Doe Network page if you think you know who she is – JANE DOE 2016 Georgia <—– click for her Doe Page