So I find it is SHAMEFUL that there is anywhere in the world where there is still slavery and slave labor — how disgusting. Yet, in many parts of the world, it still exists and thrives. What disgusts me more than that is hearing when a Western Company takes advantage of slave labor to keep their costs low – that is exploitation and exploiting people who are already in slavery is really a raw deal.
Well, check this out. IKEA admitted to using forced labor to keep their costs low.
In 2012, the New York Times released an article outlining this and it was all in the former East Germany and so much has changed there but it does make me feel icky about Ikea.
Now to be clear, there are other companies in the article and there were several West German companies who also used forced labor in East Germany but it just seems gross.
Here is a link the NYT article if you want to read about the details on Ikea and the other companies. And yes, for all of the details people, it was in the past but just because something is in the past does not mean it should be forgotten.