eBay Bad Buyer List

So I have for a long time. wished that eBay would do a better job of addressing shitty buyers.   The door swings both ways.  And i have had my share of shitty sellers to so I guess I feel like there is a need to have some sort of shitty buyers list.   Eventually, eBay will handle shit sellers but they do not handle shit buyers and I have had SEVERAL buyers – not one, not two, not three but MANY buyers try to work around the block list — which is complete bullshit really – the block buyer list is there so you can block a shitty buyer.   eBay allows them to make a new name and just dance around your block list and guess what — they do the same crap behavior again.  A lot of them are fraudsters so these are buyers you really want to avoid.  They are not just high maintenance, they are actually trying to defraud you.  So moving forward, I will list a cause for them as the fraudsters are the most dangerous but the people who “cannot be pleased” who leave negative for everyone probably should just shop in person as it is almost impossible for every seller to be bad or every item to not meet your expectations.  Either you are not reading the descriptions or you are crazy  (which applies to some people, sorry, but it does) or you are very high maintenance or you are just such a negative person that nothing will make you happy.  In any of those cases, you are a crappy buyer because you are setting up sellers for a negative before you even press pay — why not just NOT BUY IT.   If something TRULY makes you unhappy, then contact the seller to try to work it out.   You can always return it at the seller’s expense under the “item not as received” so why in the world would you not do that?   If something is not making you happen, return it, don’t blast the seller for not meeting some expectation that only you knew about.

It is pretty easy to return things and most sellers will help you with the process.   And if they don’t take returns or they are not helpful, you can always ask eBay to help.  Some sellers are hardasses, I won’t try to defend those sellers.   Their expectations of never having an issues are not reality.   But don’t abuse sellers.   There are LOTS of buyers who do just that.  So this won’t be a list of people who have had issues, this will be a list of buyers that are just not worth dealing with because they are a mixture of assholes, complete crazies and fraudsters so if you would like to cut and paste to your block list, you certainly can but hopefully, it is is crawled soon so it will be indexed and when you google one of these buyers, it will pop up and you as a seller will realize that you are dealing with a bad buyer so do your best just to get rid of them.

eBay Bad Buyer List August 2018

**bunnymom6**, 05k20z1, 1fish_2fish_redfish_bluefish, 2014-makow, 2014_klecz, 251.chuckster.33, 2sweet48, 3226jean, 360private, 704tweety, 719magnet44, 8strongracing, 90sboy1994, abbgv_bsjrmxpf, abn101james, afai_us_r2n9ry, agrandis2013, alemedin_895, alexarandolph19692, alfread_1928, amconnett2882, amitbansal3, antermachi_0, anthony_cal, antony1278, aquelito, ararivera242012, aro084, arodpackers2010, arty3358, assoc1, atomicbus, auntstefanie, autofasteners, b16agurl242, b18cdragger, bcava559, bdg2814, beastfromeast92, beatlesmanpaul, behuffin_0, bestproducts2017, bferris321, big-blue_8880, biglee521843, billbertgilbert, bjfor3, bkag40, blahbethany, bmart748, bobiven-0, bobs_a1_collectibles, bobwilliams2015, booshmeister69, boss_tom_tattoos, brand_bird, brennonclaus, breyermonster, brianp1479, bruckwhine, bryabatist9, bthomas2017, bustido, bwarfel1987, c_dan_h, calicojoe1, camerohag_3, carlhoc, carpenoctem95, carram.6860, catmanc16, cause.jame, cbar8179, cesarmejia007, chathoma_12, chavmaur, cheney119, cheus.3n56spax, chino634, chinoasian, chrigambr, chrisgoral81, chrismpowell123, classnetwork, clemsonchick33-5, cloud9comicsandmorellc, cmi-cam-bvqvx3, codvaugh_47, coinsntennis71113, comic_blues2426, computorite, concreteheaderic, confederategirl69, craypes, crazycatlady_mec, critter1804, curly4superman, curtisce, cyama98, dajb_us_rwamwo, darkphoenix8908-9, davd_us_4tjctfcoww, dcastro_323, deaf0ne, dereknedelman, derelandero0, dianatroll, diegleo_92, dion182, doctorslimhks, douglagran_7, down4533, dts4mee2, duncan1995, dustihorsle-5, dwighmorga-0, dwx141, eew-51, emilnieve_6, ericrodrigue_15, eristaat5, ese_fav_ehn1vwu, espinozabest, everlong06, everrone18, finao_inc, flajax82, flintspringer, fre.spar, ful_charl, gaba_clay, garfos_89, gargainix, gave1002, gerardsalaza-29, germane50, gersobestomat-0, gibrbol_0, gladius1a5, gneu5449, godlovecats, gog_rock2012, goldenfetus, gonzcastill0, gorgons-gallery, greenstripedlizard05, gulf421, gusta-valde, gwous36, halus.epto6u31, hannastron-0, heraymo, hewittinc, highlow72-10, hikari_p4wn, him_us_uhadgqsi, hoagy33, hocus-xibgnf, honda4life17, honey-us2015, how-jean-ious, hoyt_hamilton, hunnygoober, icdmorgan, imrapate_1, infectedsamf, inimicalsaint, initialj22, inteddgar, ironmanwelding2015, ivan.trevizo, jaguarainquio, jamemos_189, jamimeado0, janelljenkin-4, jasmisulejmanagi0, jason3vitts, jasonr5665, jaypacman, jbsbid, jc12205, jca_slm6b9oc, jdennis7zyb, jeffrey7873, jellojry, jerus.cs1z820vs, jesusb2113us, jfreezey716, jjones5068, jkupete10, joejac.alvw2, johnnyg1958, johschafe2, jointer2010, jonathaespinoz-29, jonathon13, joseph_quinnell, josephjames, josiahduncan, josra_r_wkp2rn, jostrej_44, jpzy106, jrenton7, jsalaiz, juggernaut1973, justibab62, kaseffgg-0, kaseysmit0, kath1232011kath, kbade, kcaray, keithstarrh, kellgrie-5, kennethdrenna-0, kevl5065-eu6ucohvez, kimani00, kimwill2825, kingcalx90, kintin71, kiroman-0, kpatel19365, krazyeight2010, ksmooth55, kweatherwalk16, kwl0515, ladyxepher, lakeisha7220, larretocartr_0, larryluck321, laurettebraden, lbisnette48, lc4usa, lecocob_ttr6ct3rqo, leeeeev674, lestekokoszy-0, levi_kim, lgonzo61luis, lizorte, lloyd10xmas, losjossanc, losomme, lossanfound_7, louimatt, lovelolitaplease_3, loveyakfc, luke-pokemoncards, luvsonic1000, lws20082010, m0m2gingers, madelindearlov_0, magda3ke, magilla2000, maklauss, mamimi0416, manno, marcimarconat-0, marcomapg, marfama_pv5u09c, markimyer-0, masonscare1, maurogavo, maxwise71, mazerati_jae, mdel9565, mds72478, meanodean, meji-eva, melendez25, menudojaggy, michaedown-72, mikemilla24, milkman91, mitte_do, monalisathomas, morcontoy0, morri_sea, motherofmac, mrdude84, muilee2000, munecavalorie, musanch, my2ktj, nabizko04, nafir2010, nall10, naomien07, naturalmind99, navysealfrogman, ndbooks4, negative_hedge, nestor92867, nick1280-8, nick_auto_parts, nicsciut_0, nicus.k1wqq8ott, nomos15, nonexistantfriend4, oaklefrankli_0, obergvictor-0, ochizzle, oma.alsal, omightybuggy, orte-elde, outdoorrebel, p-lcoinslv1, pachucko, pamat-94, patillas321, paulanthonyart, paytonjcarter1, perdam.lka8vtp, persitimot, pete8842, pi.dooro.t97tnj, pokemon_987, ppb76, pumpkin_head23, pumpkinheadface, quartz-2012, queenzfinest2010jay, quiethylian, quiro-alexi, r853s022, raymondof300, rebeccmohle0, rege2143, renb_gabr, reneg214, ricarmisael, robertgarci-506, robertharri-4, robigarci_4, rogerfl_sh2, romeobeast, ronintoby20174, rostorre-77, roxa-estr, ryuamurotakeshi_9, ryzer82, s.troche, saichiro15, salas310310, salvadorjcru0, samartsain_0, sammichcrisp, samsamueescal, santiagoezequiegarciasantacru_0, sarasauce2012, sawer09, scr1bblez915, seaaba_0, shaquilli4, sharkscove808, shinelong1, sidhepherd, silver4631, silver98z, silverbird59, skyislimit, snjvsn, solomob, spyda09, sr0466-x6fw2qhode, stephsharp_v5wyt, sterbsteph, stevestanto-1, stssma.47njbnd, stutsara, suede-65, sunny77777540, superwookie27, taylco5, tesladidit, tflame00, thattrancedude, the_seller_of_everything, therussianbear123, thomaskesler, tiffanjackma_0, timd905, timothtaylo94, tinydancer83159, tj500s, tonehh07, topspinner888, totthapp0, traversetramp, traviiis48, trenjackso2, troutloverguy, trus049, twes7165, tyshelle2kyutee, unitedjewelryexchange, universalhappyness6299_0, ureinaldo, us2014.tamic, usjame_zjt0sfqln, vanw-wad, vojinovic2013, vrico84, wakeboardergb, warjo72, wclown_8, weebearcoin, westwall2, whofarted78tmk, wholesale_coins_and_collectables, wilsokhar, witchy15, wrinklywinky, xxscottishdragonxx, ybgmac, yogisbasket, yura-m

So if you see one on there that you recognize, beware.   Some of these are the same person — like there are a few names that some fraudsters have tried to make new names to redo their scam again so just an FYI but that is a HUGE LIST.

And there are lots of other bad buyer lists of the internet as well so just do your best to stay away from these people.   If you see your own username on here — well, says a lot about you and your behavior, doesn’t it?  So maybe try to turn yourself around and conduct yourself differently because you didn’t get on here by being a good buyer or being an angel.  You got on here from being a bad buyer, a crazy person or just a straight up asshole.  So rethink your ways if you see your eBay username in the list above.