So it has been a while since I have updated the bad buyer list.
None of these buyers are angels and I wish more people would publish their lists because ebay really don’t do anything about these buyers unless they commit multiple frauds over and over (my guess is that it needs to be double digits) and even then ebay do nothing to block the ip address so the person can literally just make another name. They are of course in TOS violation if they do that and they are in TOS violation if they make a new account and try to buy from you when blocked and I have been lucky ONCE to actually get all the way to the fraud department to report one but seriously, eBay fail on this over and over so hopefully by publishing this list, it will help someone not get scammed or realize that they are really be scammed by a pro. A lot of these are blocks for straight up credit card fraud where the buyer claims they did not get it or that they didn’t authorize the charge to paypal when the item clearly went to their home address and was delivered (and sometimes they even signed for it – because fraud people have tremendously big balls when they are trying to steal from you) So here it is — hope it helps someone 🙂
**bunnymom6**, 1964gijoe, 1fish_2fish_redfish_bluefish, 1lovingheart, 2014-makow, 2014_klecz, 251.chuckster.33, 2sweet48, 3226jean, 360private, 5zav, 704tweety, 719magnet44, 8strongracing, 90sboy1994, abbgv_bsjrmxpf, abn101james, alamatlock0, alemedin_895, alexarandolph19692, alexiaparici-3, alfread_1928, amandlene_0, amconnett2882, amitbansal3, amyec2968, anasko55, antermachi_0, anthony_cal, antony1278, aquelito, ararivera242012, armadylan, aro084, arodpackers2010, assoc1, atomicbus, auntstefanie, averill88, b16agurl242, b18cdragger, baseballguy34, bbyforlife, bcava559, beastfromeast92, beatlesmanpaul, behuffin_0, bestproducts2017, bferris321, big-blue_8880, bigadam1, bigasm76, bigleagueg25, biglee521843, bilkris, billbertgilbert, billymac72, bitnemik, bjfor3, bkag40, blahbethany, blue275, bobiven-0, bobs_a1_collectibles, bobwilliams2015, bonbazo, booshmeister69, boss_tom_tattoos, brand_bird, brennonclaus, breyermonster, briannlope-9, brianp1479, brockbuys101, bronzeback8, bruckwhine, bryabatist9, bryasi.k3kl5dx, bthomas2017, bustido, bwarfel1987, c321cards, c_dan_h, camerohag_3, carlhoc, carpenoctem95, carram.6860, cause.jame, cbar8179, celinam8809, cesarmejia007, cfutia22, chathoma_12, chavmaur, chazzitastic-4, cheney119, cheus.3n56spax, chino634, chinoasian, chrigambr, chrisgoral81, chrismpowell123, classnetwork, clemsonchick33-5, clinhollowa-0, cloud9comicsandmorellc, cmgomes95, cmi-cam-bvqvx3, codvaugh_47, cohar.sinqo6r1, colterfrederick, comedyhobby123789, comic_blues2426, computorite, concreteheaderic, confederategirl69, craypes, crazycatlady_mec, critter1804, curly4superman, curtisce, cy5, cyama98, daceur, dajb_us_rwamwo, dando87, darkphoenix8908-9, darkslayer0011, davd_us_4tjctfcoww, dave-ss-502, dcastro_323, deaf0ne, dereknedelman, derelandero0, destinyrose543, deylaandsonali, dfod2635, dianatroll, diegleo_92, dion182, djbernard1988, doc220, doctorslimhks, douglagran_7, dreherjr, dts4mee2, duncan1995, dustihorsle-5, dwighmorga-0, dwx141, ed2015coins, edwama76, eew-51, emilnieve_6, ericrodrigue_15, eristaat5,, ese_fav_ehn1vwu, espinozabest, ethagra6, everlong06, everrone18, falconpabonmonica, ferna-bryc, flajax82, flintspringer, fre.spar, freshsite2011, ful_charl, funbucket115, gaba_clay, garfos_89, gargainix, gave1002, gerardsalaza-29, germane50, gersobestomat-0, gibrbol_0, gkbrown2013, gladius1a5, gneu5449, godlovecats, gog_rock2012, goldenfetus, goldengod87, gonzcastill0, gorgons-gallery, greenstripedlizard05, gulf421, gusta-valde, gwous36, h-crake-dmdrqxorg, hallofheroesvethome, halus.epto6u31, hancurra_0, hannastron-0, heraymo, hewittinc, highlow72-10, hikari_p4wn, him_us_uhadgqsi, hoagy33, hobbes20102011, hocus-xibgnf, hodakcom, honda4life17, honey-us2015, how-jean-ious, hoyt_hamilton, hpersaud1083, hunnygoober, hutto3356, icdmorgan, ilovemywaygee, imrapate_1, imsellingluxury, infectedsamf, inimicalsaint, initialj22, inteddgar, ironman19882011, ironmanwelding2015, isabbrit_0, isabelaz2011, ivan.trevizo, jaguarainquio, jake379aj, jamemos_189, jamimeado0, janelljenkin-4, janene2007, jasmisulejmanagi0, jason3vitts, jasonr5665, jaypacman, jb12259, jbsbid, jc12205, jca_slm6b9oc, jcur4396, jdennis7zyb, jeffrey7873, jellojry, jerus.cs1z820vs, jesusb2113us, jfreezey716, jhontt-68, jjones5068, jkupete10, joejac.alvw2, johnnyg1958, johschafe2, joieuno, jointer2010, jonamae0, jonathaespinoz-29, jonathon13, joseph_quinnell, josephjames, joshuahosack, josiahduncan, josra_r_wkp2rn, jostrej_44, jrenton7, jsalaiz, juggernaut1973, justibab62, justme1151, justyoss, jwo.cky.pp41kbsdrd, kakqjjajw0, kaseffgg-0, kaseysmit0, kbade, kcaray, keithstarrh, kekly0, kellgrie-5, kennethdrenna-0, kenwright96, kevl5065-eu6ucohvez, kevnslist_7, kimani00, kimwill2825, kingcalx90, kintin71, kiroman-0, kpatel19365, krazyeight2010, ksmooth55, kweatherwalk16, kwl0515, kyrpto, ladyxepher, lakeisha7220, largemoney284, larjon_ltsz9t8rh, larretocartr_0, larryluck321, laurettebraden, lazarus721, lbisnette48, lc4usa, lecocob_ttr6ct3rqo, lego_racer, lestekokoszy-0, levi_kim, lgonzo61luis, lilywoman51, limited62, lippjos, lizorte, lloyd10xmas, loran-2149, losjossanc, losomme, lossanfound_7, louimatt, lovelolitaplease_3, loveyakfc, lshsha-dgbx2nw, luisazumendi, luke-pokemoncards, luvsonic1000, lws20082010, m0m2gingers, madelindearlov_0, magda3ke, magilla2000, maklauss, mamimi0416, manno, marcimarconat-0, marcomapg, marfama_pv5u09c, mari.asenj, marilope_966, marinerpluto, markimyer-0, masonscare1, maurogavo, maximum-effort-sales, maxwise71, mazerati_jae, mcado-james, mckinneyjack, mdel9565, mds72478, meji-eva, melendez25, menudojaggy, michaedown-72, michaevanthie-0, mike34pedro, mikemilla24, miskatonicuniversityannex481, mmskrk7317, monalisathomas, morcontoy0, morri_sea, motherofmac, mrdude84, muilee2000, munecavalorie, musanch, nabizko04, nafir2010, nakoyocolo, nall10, naturalmind99, navysealfrogman, ndbooks4, negative_hedge, nestor92867, nicholaperri-0, nick1280-8, nicsciut_0, nicus.k1wqq8ott, nomos15, nonexistantfriend4, nycmik, oaklefrankli_0, obergvictor-0, ochizzle, oilshan, oma.alsal, omightybuggy, orte-elde, outdoorrebel, p-lcoinslv1, p.spejo.sxkew9a, p_cot80, pachucko, packrat1031, pamat-94, pameldefra, papa_oymscx, paulanthonyart, paulieb60, paytonjcarter1, perdam.lka8vtp, persitimot, pete8842, phidoros-0, pi.dooro.t97tnj, pokemon_987, ppb76, priazzi, psv-kav, pumpkin_head23, pumpkinheadface, punxbby, quartz-2012, queenzfinest2010jay, quiethylian, quiro-alexi, r853s022, rafael9616, rammasculin0, raymondof300, rebeccmohle0, renb_gabr, reneg214, reore_o_e70lqxbkb, ricarmisael, robertgarci-506, robertharri-4, robigarci_4, rocknroll2406, rogerfl_sh2, rolando851, romeobeast, ronintoby20174, rosariosanchezmontiel, rostorre-77, roxa-estr, rpwilkin, ryuamurotakeshi_9, ryzer82, s.troche, salas310310, salvadorjcru0, samartsain_0, sammichcrisp, santiagoezequiegarciasantacru_0, sarasauce2012, sawer09, scifiguy2015, scr1bblez915, seaaba_0, sepowell613, shapea-17, shaquilli4, sharkscove808, sherrybear0717, shinelong1, shr-nan-fkl9vsr, sidhepherd, silent_blade77, silver4631, silver98z, silverslicker, skyislimit, slb-42, slydude88, snjvsn, solomob, sp3812, space7329, spyda09, sr0466-x6fw2qhode, srjrhobbies, ssnowflake714, stemeu11, stephsharp_v5wyt, sterbsteph, stevelaplace, stevestanto-1, stich3013_13, stilp_jak, stinger1973, stssma.47njbnd, stutsara, suede-65, sunny77777540, superwookie27, surstmps, susieq1215, tawalasharp, taylco5, tesladidit, tflame00, thamaskrapper, thattrancedude, the-krell-laboratory, the_lego_shop, the_seller_of_everything, theohud, therussianbear123, thomaskesler, thundedud7, tiffanjackma_0, timd905, timothtaylo94, tinydancer83159, tione2006, tj500s, tmstratton, tomorrowsresurgence, tonehh07, topspinner888, totthapp0, traversetramp, traviiis48, tre3512, trus049, trustybusiness41, truxtotaylo_0, twes7165, tyshelle2kyutee, unitedjewelryexchange, universalhappyness6299_0, ureinaldo, us2014.tamic, usjame_zjt0sfqln, usjav-25dqlgta, vanw-wad, vcbaron733, vlevin2012, vojinovic2013, vrico84, wakeboardergb, warjo72, wclown_8, weebearcoin, westwall2, whatweswants, whofarted78tmk, wholesale_coins_and_collectables, williamw8209313, wilsokhar, witchy15, wrinklywinky, xquizitcomix, xxjust53rdxx, xxscottishdragonxx, ybgmac, yogisbasket, yura-m, zippy451