So I had a special bitch today steal from me — argghhhh — and she just did it so willingly and then sends me a note that not doing a return saves money and makes everyone happy. Ummmm no, it is a whole lot cheaper for me to buy a label on ebay for you to return it and then give you a full refund because I then have the item to sell — when you steal from me, I am just out the amount you felt it was ok to steal — thieves GAWD.
So she is a special kind of bitch and although I reported her to eBay, I thought it was time to update the block buyer list. Not sure how many people follow it but it is a warning for anyone that none of these people are angels and most of them are scam artists and all of them are not worth your time as they will all cost you time and money so here they are. Her ebay username is bblh54 on ebay – so keep a special eye out for her — she will try to do feedback extortion and shake you down for a partial refund.
Here is my running list of bad actors on ebay
05k20z1, 1964gijoe, 1lovingheart, 2014-makow, 251.chuckster.33, 270carlmissy, 2sweet48, 3226jean, 360private, 704tweety, 719magnet44, 8strongracing, 90sboy1994, abn101james, alamatlock0, alemedin_895, alexarandolph19692, alexiaparici-3, alfread_1928, amandlene_0, amconnett2882, amitbansal3, amyec2968, anasko55, antermachi_0, anthony_cal, antony1278, aquelito, ararivera242012, armadylan, aro084, arodpackers2010, arty3358, assoc1, auntstefanie, averill88, banarky, baseballguy34, bblh54, bbyforlife, bcava559, bdg2814, beastfromeast92, beatlesmanpaul, behuffin_0, benny4096123, bestproducts2017, bferris321, big-blue_8880, bigadam1, bigasm76, bigleagueg25, biglee521843, bilkris, billbertgilbert, billymac72, bitnemik, bjfor3, bkag40, blahbethany, blue275, bluebarncolorado, bobiven-0, bobs_a1_collectibles, bobwilliams2015, bonbazo, brennonclaus, breyermonster, briannlope-9, brianp1479, brockbuys101, bruckwhine, bryabatist9, bryasi.k3kl5dx, bthomas2017, bustido, bwarfel1987, c321cards, c_dan_h, carma_1132, carpenoctem95, carram.6860, cbar8179, cfutia22, chathoma_12, chavmaur, chazzitastic-4, chelseamarie719, cheney119, cheus.3n56spax, chino634, chinoasian, chrigambr, chrisgoral81, chrismpowell123, classnetwork, clemsonchick33-5, clinhollowa-0, cloud9comicsandmorellc, cmgomes95, cmi-cam-bvqvx3, codvaugh_47, cohar.sinqo6r1, coinswillie, colterfrederick, comedyhobby123789, comic_blues2426, computorite, concreteheaderic, confederategirl69, craypes, crazycatlady_mec, curly4superman, cy5, cyama98, daceur, dajb_us_rwamwo, damcn-88, dando87, danny_18, darkphoenix8908-9, darkslayer0011, davd_us_4tjctfcoww, dave-ss-502, dcastro_323, deaf0ne, dereknedelman, derelandero0, destinyrose543, deylaandsonali, dfod2635, dianatroll, diegleo_92, dion182, djbernard1988, doc220, doctorslimhks, douglagran_7, down4533, dreherjr, dts4mee2, duncan1995, dustihorsle-5, ed2015coins, edwama76, eew-51, emilnieve_6, ericrodrigue_15, eristaat5,, ese_fav_ehn1vwu, ethagra6, everlong06, everrone18, falconpabonmonica, finao_inc, flajax82, flintspringer, fre.spar, ful_charl, funbucket115, gaba_clay, garfos_89, gargainix, germane50, gersobestomat-0, gibrbol_0, gkbrown2013, gladius1a5, godlovecats, goldenfetus, goldengod87, gonzcastill0, gorgons-gallery, greenstripedlizard05, gusta-valde, gwous36, h-crake-dmdrqxorg, hallofheroesvethome, halus.epto6u31, hancurra_0, hannastron-0, heraymo, hewittinc, highlow72-10, hikari_p4wn, him_us_uhadgqsi, hoagy33, hobbes20102011, hocus-xibgnf, hodakcom, honda4life17, honey-us2015, how-jean-ious, hoyt_hamilton, hpersaud1083, hunnygoober, hutto3356, icdmorgan, ilovemywaygee, imsellingluxury, infectedsamf, inimicalsaint, initialj22, inteddgar, ironman19882011, ironmanwelding2015, isabbrit_0, isabelaz2011, ivan.trevizo, jaguarainquio, jake379aj, jamehutto-42, jamemos_189, jamimeado0, janelljenkin-4, janene2007, jasmisulejmanagi0, jason3vitts, jasonr5665, jaypacman, jb12259, jbsbid, jc12205, jca_slm6b9oc, jcur4396, jdennis7zyb, jeffrey7873, jellojry, jerseykingusa72, jerus.cs1z820vs, jesusb2113us, jfkiou1, jfreezey716, jhontt-68, jjones5068, jkupete10, joejac.alvw2, johnnyg1958, johschafe2, joieuno, jointer2010, jonamae0, jonathaespinoz-29, jonathon13, joseph_quinnell, joshuahosack, josra_r_wkp2rn, jsalaiz, juggernaut1973, justibab62, justyoss, jwo.cky.pp41kbsdrd, kakqjjajw0, kaseffgg-0, kaseysmit0, kbade, kcaray, keithstarrh, kekly0, kellgrie-5, kennethdrenna-0, kevl5065-eu6ucohvez, kevnslist_7, kimani00, kimwill2825, kingcalx90, kintin71, kiroman-0, kpatel19365, krazyeight2010, ksmooth55, kweatherwalk16, kwl0515, kyrpto, ladyxepher, lakeisha7220, lanternman777, largemoney284, larjon_ltsz9t8rh, larretocartr_0, larryluck321, laurettebraden, lazarus721, lbisnette48, lc4usa, lecocob_ttr6ct3rqo, lego_racer, lestekokoszy-0, levi_kim, lilywoman51, lippjos, lizorte, lloyd10xmas, loran-2149, losjossanc, lossanfound_7, louimatt, lovelolitaplease_3, loveyakfc, lshsha-dgbx2nw, luisazumendi, luke-pokemoncards, lws20082010, m0m2gingers, madelindearlov_0, magda3ke, magilla2000, maklauss, mamimi0416, manno, marcimarconat-0, marcomapg, marfama_pv5u09c, mari.asenj, marilope_966, markimyer-0, masonscare1, maurogavo, maximum-effort-sales, maxwise71, mazerati_jae, mcado-james, mckinneyjack, mdel9565, melendez25, menudojaggy, michaedown-72, michaevanthie-0, midnight789, mike34pedro, mikemilla24, miskatonicuniversityannex481, mitilinios, mmskrk7317, momtothree87, monalisathomas, morcontoy0, morri_sea, motherofmac, mpmomx2, mr.nadas0, mrdude84, muilee2000, munecavalorie, musanch, nabizko04, nafir2010, nakoyocolo, naturalmind99, navysealfrogman, ndbooks4, negative_hedge, nestor92867, nicholaperri-0, nick1280-8, nicsciut_0, nicus.k1wqq8ott, nomos15, nycmik, oaklefrankli_0, obergvictor-0, ochizzle, oilshan, oma.alsal, omightybuggy, orte-elde, outdoorrebel, p-lcoinslv1, p.spejo.sxkew9a, p_cot80, pachucko, packrat1031, pamat-94, pameldefra, pauhunte-2, paulanthonyart, paulieb60, paytonjcarter1, perdam.lka8vtp, persitimot, pete8842, phidoros-0, pi.dooro.t97tnj, pokemon_987, ppb76, priazzi, psv-kav, pumpkin_head23, pumpkinheadface, punxbby, queenzfinest2010jay, quiethylian, quiro-alexi, r853s022, rafael9616, raymondof300, rebeccmohle0, renb_gabr, reneg214, reore_o_e70lqxbkb, ricarmisael, rmmhouston, robertgarci-506, robertharri-4, robigarci_4, rocknroll2406, rogerfl_sh2, romeobeast, ronintoby20174, rosariosanchezmontiel, rostorre-77, roxa-estr, rpwilkin, ryuamurotakeshi_9, ryzer82, s.troche, salas310310, salvadorjcru0, samartsain_0, sammichcrisp, santiagoezequiegarciasantacru_0, sarasauce2012, sawer09, scifiguy2015, scr1bblez915, seaaba_0, sepowell613, shapea-17, shaquilli4, sharkscove808, sidhepherd, silver4631, silver98z, silverslicker, skip946, skyislimit, slb-42, slydude88, snjvsn, solomob, sp3812, space7329, spyda09, sr0466-x6fw2qhode, srjrhobbies, ssnowflake714, stemeu11, stephsharp_v5wyt, sterbsteph, stevelaplace, stevestanto-1, stich3013_13, stinger1973, stssma.47njbnd, stutsara, suede-65, sunny77777540, superwookie27, surstmps, susieq1215, tawalasharp, taylco5, tesladidit, tflame00, thamaskrapper,, thattrancedude, the_lego_shop, the_seller_of_everything, theohud, therussianbear123, thomaskesler, thundedud7, tiffanjackma_0, timd905, timothjenkin_25, timothtaylo94, tinydancer83159, tione2006, tj500s, tmstratton, tomorrowsresurgence, tonehh07, topspinner888, totthapp0, traversetramp, traviiis48, tre3512, trus049, trustybusiness41, twes7165, tyshelle2kyutee, unitedjewelryexchange, universalhappyness6299_0, ureinaldo, us2014.tamic, usjame_zjt0sfqln, usjav-25dqlgta, vanw-wad, vcbaron733, vlevin2012, vojinovic2013, vrico84, wakeboardergb, wclown_8, weebearcoin, westwall2, whatweswants, whofarted78tmk, wholesale_coins_and_collectables, williamw8209313, wilsokhar, witchy15, wrinklywinky, wylanhuntingto0, xquizitcomix, xxjust53rdxx, xxscottishdragonxx, ybgmac, yogisbasket, yura-m, zippy451, 1028416024@deleted, 1102395026@deleted, 1250677195@deleted, 1456709890@deleted, 1465154868@deleted, 1558636520@deleted, 1643493765@deleted,