eBay Blocked Buyer List – December 2020

WHAT A BITCH OF A YEAR!!!  OMG — who would have thought a year ago that we would have gone through so much in a year.  Riots, pandemic, sickness, poverty, a weird election whichever side you were on — it was just a lot to cram into a year.  And NOT IN A GOOD WAY.    Online shopping exploded with the pandemic and the scammers were out in FULL FORCE flying their crazy flags — so hope you kept your own block list because these people are NUTSO!!   The post office was and is a mess even though they charged extra from October to now for “holiday help fees” — and still messed it up.  Don’t you wish you could charge extra at the holidays on your business because you are busy — ya, we all do!!  But only the stupid post office acts like they deserve to and then does a shittier job than they normally do.  Now my local post office is AMAZE-BALLS so I don’t count them in this and I drive past 2 larger post offices just to get them (one of them is useless and the other has a demon working there)  So here is my year end update to the eBay block list and here are some details on some of the superstars who you will really want to block

1jjp001 – whack JOB!!   This guy bought something in Sept and then contacted in mid-Nov about an issue with it.  He had 30 days to return it for a full refund with no issues at our expense.  He really just wanted a little shakedown money and he will email and email and try to shake you down forever.  Even if you tell him to do a return outside of your return window — no, he still wants to discuss his “compensation” so just straight up block him.  He is not worth having.

toydude1958 – nice but very crazy!   Ok, so this guy was actually nice. He ordered something but wanted to take it apart and didn’t specify how he wanted to take it apart and then he broke it when he took it apart.  I blocked him because I gave him a full refund and as a small business, I can’t be giving out free stuff because you bought something perfect and then broke it while you were trying to turn it into something else.   Simple right.   Well, he emailed for weeks about being blocked because he tried to buy something else and his crazy flag was seriously flying.  Worth a block even though he is nice because if you have an issue, he is nuts.

And here is a copy of the updated list — ENJOY – and ebay fixed their issues where the list was not showing alphabetically so it is once again  🙂   Happy New Year!!

**bunnymom6**, 07271953, 1102395026@deleted, 1250677195@deleted, 1456709890@deleted, 1465154868@deleted, 1558636520@deleted, 1643493765@deleted, 1960263380@deleted, 1964gijoe, 1fish_2fish_redfish_bluefish, 1jjp001, 1lovingheart, 2014-makow, 251.chuckster.33, 2sweet48, 3226jean, 360private, 42912mommy, 704tweety, 719magnet44, 77starwarsjon, 8strongracing, 90sboy1994, abbgv_bsjrmxpf, abn101james, acjr-91, addrie, afai_us_r2n9ry, alamatlock0, alemedin_895, alexarandolph19692, alfread_1928, alin5614, amandlene_0, amconnett2882, amitbansal3, anasko55, antdomi_94, antermachi_0, antmoej, antony1278, aquelito, ararivera242012, aro084, arod3sharp, arodpackers2010, arty3358, assoc1, atomicbus, auntstefanie, autobots_n_disguise, autofasteners, avengerpr001, b16agurl242, b18cdragger, babyblueray41, banarky, bblh54, bblhs2003@gmail.com, bdg2814, beardco-10, beastfromeast92, beatlesmanpaul, behuffin_0, bestproducts2017, bferris321, big-blue_8880, bigadam1, bigasm76, bigleagueg25, biglee521843, bigpotter303, bilkris, billbertgilbert, bitnemik, bjfor3, bkag40, blahbethany, blucar, blue275, bmart748, bobiven-0, bobs_a1_collectibles, bobwilliams2015, booshmeister69, boss_tom_tattoos, boxster888, bpecd, brand_bird, breakfastcat47, brennonclaus, breyermonster, brianp1479, brockbuys101, bronzeback8, brownhunte, bruckwhine, bry2431, bryabatist9, bustido, bv0402, bwarfel1987, c_dan_h, cajunboy88888, calicojoe1, cannon.dave.82, carlhoc, carma_1132, carolinacomicz, carpenoctem95, carram.6860, catmanc16, cause.jame, cesarmejia007, chant_brown, chathoma_12, chavmaur, chazzitastic-4, cheney119, cherylonemanstrash, cheus.3n56spax, chgr-6370, chino634, chinoasian, chjun_74, chrigambr, chrisgoral81, chrismpowell123, classic_plastick, classnetwork, clemsonchick33-5, cloud9comicsandmorellc, cmi-cam-bvqvx3, codvaugh_47, cohar.sinqo6r1, collektibles, comic_blues2426, comicluver, computorite, concreteheaderic, confederategirl69, cookonstan0, cooksbs, craypes, crazycatlady_mec, critter1804, ctproffitt, curtisce, cwynn95, cy5, cyama98, daceur, dajb_us_rwamwo, darkphoenix8908-9, darkslayer0011, dauroala, davd_us_4tjctfcoww, dcastro_323, deaf0ne, dereknedelman, derelandero0, dfod2635, dianatroll, dicont-7990, diegleo_92, dion182, doc220, dosan01, douglagran_7, dscrd1970, dts4mee2, duncan1995, duo_us_nvgpfls1u, dustihorsle-5, dwighmorga-0, dwx141, e_unibus_pluram, eddiehillard@aol.com, eddienay09, edhil60, edwama76, eew-51, el.bazar.de.queen.toys.and.collectibles, elsanto1, emibal_97, emilnieve_6, epicomicology, ericrodrigue_15, erme.us.tw7ijaybms, ese_fav_ehn1vwu, espinozabest, everlong06, everrone18, exotyka, faddi_faddi, fakh-59, falconpabonmonica, feloforester65_0, fischer931, flajax82, flr69, fn2131, fre.spar, ful_charl, gaba_clay, gameradicto, garfos_89, gave1002, geoffreys11111, germane50, gersobestomat-0, gibrbol_0, gijoemarx, gizzmowilliam, gladius1a5, gneu5449, godlovecats, gog_rock2012, goldenfetus, goldengod87, gon1791, gonzcastill0, gorgons-gallery, greenstripedlizard05, gregalvernaz2011, grgay-24, gulf421, gusta-valde, gwous36, h-crake-dmdrqxorg, halus.epto6u31, hancurra_0, hannastron-0, heatherl627, heistsj, henryg23-wi, heraymo, hewittinc, highlow72-10, hikari_p4wn, him_us_uhadgqsi, hoagy33, hobbes20102011, hobub, hocus-xibgnf, hodakcom, honda4life17, honey-us2015, hou-2797, how-jean-ious, hunnygoober, i*have*the*power*, icdmorgan, ilovetoys20, imrapate_1, imsellingluxury, infectedsamf, inimicalsaint, initialj22, inteddgar, ironmanwelding2015, isabbrit_0, isabelaz2011, ivan.trevizo, ja-877254, jackal_relic_thomas_landschulz, jaguarainquio, jamehutto-42, jamemos_189, jamimeado0, janelljenkin-4, jaredparkh, jasmisulejmanagi0, jason3vitts, jasonr5665, jaypacman, jazcomics, jbsbid, jc12205, jca_slm6b9oc, jdennis7zyb, jeffrey7873, jeffspopculture, jellojry, jerseykingusa72, jerus.cs1z820vs, jesusb2113us, jfreezey716, jhontt-68, jimbradee63, jimkelsey, jjones5068, jkupete10, joefan, joejac.alvw2, joesplus, johnnyg1958, johntrexesq, johschafe2, joieuno, jointer2010, jokamo307, jonamae0, jonathaespinoz-29, jonathon13, josephjames, josharr-2512, josiahduncan, josra_r_wkp2rn, jrenton7, jsalaiz, juggernaut1973, junbangkal, justibab62, justyoss, jwo.cky.pp41kbsdrd, kakqjjajw0, kaseffgg-0, kaseysmit0, kaston6389, kath1232011kath, kbade, kcaray, keithstarrh, kekly0, kellgrie-5, kennethdrenna-0, kevl5065-eu6ucohvez, kimani00, kimwill2825, kingcalx90, kiroman-0, koryzuck, kpatel19365, ksmooth55, kuaileyouni0929, kufa-5212, kwl0515, kyrpto, ladyxepher, lakeisha7220, lanternman777, larretocartr_0, larryluck321, laurettebraden, lawrchov0, lazarus721, lazydai_15, lbisnette48, lc4usa, lcsalesoh, lecocob_ttr6ct3rqo, lego_racer, lestekokoszy-0, levi_kim, lgonzo61luis, liboh59, lightover2013, lizorte, lkinzey, llanitosu-93, lloyd10xmas, loran-2149, lord.shardik, losjossanc, losomme, lossanfound_7, louimatt, loveamber78, lovelolitaplease_3, loveyakfc, luke-pokemoncards, luvsonic1000, lws20082010, m0m2gingers, madelindearlov_0, magda3ke, magilla2000, maker7319, maklauss, mamimi0416, manilasteph, manno, marcomapg, marfama_pv5u09c, marg.horn, mari.asenj, marilope_966, markimyer-0, masonscare1, maureesand-0, mauremal_kkc92, maximum-effort-sales, maxwise71, mazerati_jae, mckinneyjack, mdel9565, mds72478, meanodean, megabug2013, meji-eva, melendez25, melmarsligh123, menudojaggy, micbm-sjyl48, micdelp_4468, michaedown-72, michaevanthie-0, mikdea0, mike1872012, mike34pedro, mikemilla24, milkman91, miskatonicuniversityannex481, mitte_do, mmin5531, mobr_7027, monalisathomas, monsterzero65, morcontoy0, morri_sea, motherofmac, mr.nadas0, mr_e_bay18, mrdude84, muilee2000, musanch, nafir2010, nakoyocolo, nall10, natfo4568, naturalmind99, ndbooks4, ndlady13, nemesis_915, nestor92867, nicholaperri-0, nick1280-8, nick_auto_parts, nicsciut_0, nicus.k1wqq8ott, nomos15, nonexistantfriend4, oaklefrankli_0, obergvictor-0, ochizzle, octopus6, oma.alsal, omightybuggy, orangemint2, orte-elde, orthfritz, otis_flip, outdoorrebel, owcritc0, p-lcoinslv1, p.spejo.sxkew9a, pachucko, packrat1031, pamat-94, pameldefra, pantoja_sd81, papa_oymscx, patillas321, patkauf-77, paulieb60, pauliecomics, paytonjcarter1, perdam.lka8vtp, persitimot, pete8842, pi.dooro.t97tnj, pichon19832017, pokemon_987, ppb76, psv-kav, pumpkin_head23, pumpkinheadface, punxbby, quartz-2012, queenzfinest2010jay, quiethylian, quiro-alexi, r853s022, rafael9616, ramu.us.am3kv18, raymondof300, rebeccmohle0, redlinegrandpa68-6, rege2143, reliabletekhelp, remodel4ps3, renb_gabr, reneg214, rg031_79, ribr_4411, rich-el, richhight, rmmhouston, robertgarci-506, robertharri-4, robertmcr, robigarci_4, rocknroll2406, rockypoint00, rocor_9171, rogerfl_sh2, rolando851, romeobeast, ronintoby20174, rostorre-77, roxa-estr, rpwilkin, ryzer82, s.troche, sa.par1, salas310310, salvadorjcru0, samantha3427, samartsain_0, sammichcrisp, samsamueescal, santiagoezequiegarciasantacru_0, sarahfarms, sarasauce2012, sawer09, scifiguy2015, seaaba_0, sephrel, shadi-715, shapea-17, shaquilli4, sharkreef98, shinelong1, shs3333, sidhepherd, siggy18conifer, silver4631, silver98z, silverbird59, simota89, skarnal805, skyislimit, slb-42, slydude88, snjvsn, solomob, sp3812, spacepod1969, speedpot, spyda09, ste-1888, stemeu11, stephsharp_v5wyt, sterbsteph, stevestanto-1, stssma.47njbnd, stutsara, suede-65, sunny77777540, superwookie27, surstmps, susieq1215, sweetsandylove10, tamarin925, taylco5, terr.chapm, terranclar_3, tesladidit, tflame00, thattrancedude, the_lego_shop, the_seller_of_everything, thenextbarber, therussianbear123, thomaskesler, thugco40, tiffanjackma_0, timd905, timido-85-4, timothjenkin_25, timothtaylo94, tinydancer83159, tj500s, tmstratton, tonehh07, toscag-0, totthapp0, toydude1958, traversetramp, traviiis48, trev-dawg, troniksandmore_2008, troutloverguy, trus049, truth_luvver, tweetgrimm75, twes7165, tyshelle2kyutee, unitedjewelryexchange, ureinaldo, us2014.tamic, usjame_zjt0sfqln, vab_sti, vanw-wad, vcbaron733, vintageandcurrentcollectibles, vlevin2012, vojinovic2013, vrico84, wakeboardergb, warjo72, wclown_8, weebearcoin, westwall2, whatweswants, whofarted78tmk, wholesale_coins_and_collectables, williamw8209313, wilsokhar, winfreecomix, witchy15, wylanhuntingto0, xcraigger47x, xnrb7063, xquizitcomix, xxscottishdragonxx, yarbrough4111, ybgmac, yogisbasket, yura-m, zakus-0